
Here you can download the Two!Ears Auditory Model which is created in a joint effort between all the involved laboratories. It expands classical auditory modeling by the ability to include feedback mechanism. This is enabled on the one hand by providing a simulation tool/robot platform for interactively changing the input ear signals. In addition, world knowledge is integrated in the system by a blackboard system that interprets the auditory cues to derive meaning from them.

For a starting point have a look at the very detailed documentation and start with the installation guide.

Download Two!Ears Auditory Model – 45 MB

If you are interested in getting involved in the development or want to get the actual development version of the model, go to our github page: and read the documentation on how to install the development system.

If you use the model, please cite it with:
Two!Ears Team. (2018). Two!Ears Auditory Model 1.5. Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1458420